Local Greenville, NC Music Scene Greenville has received accolades in Forbes and other national publications for its business development. The area has been the home of rappers Petey Pablo and Supastition. In 2010 the metropolitan area had a population of over 574,000. Campuses include East Carolina University, Shaw University and Pitt Community College. The local scene is covered by The Daily Reflector and The Greenville Times. The history of the Greenville, North Carolina music scene does not include many national acts. Greenville Music Acts Preserverance * Irvine * Stairwell * Rebekah Todd * Those Meddling Kids * Nova Stella * Michelle Woolard * Crimson Refuge * The Ethnographers * Sallah Dolla * Greenville, NC Local Music Scene History North Carolina is the home of many outdoor festivals throughout the year. Some of the key music festivals of 2018 within driving distance of Greenville include: North Carolina Azalea Festival in Wilmington (April 11-15) PirateFest on the Tar River in Greenville (April 13-14) MerleFest fundraiser for Wilkes Community College (April 26-29) Shakori Hills Grass Roots Festival in Chatham County with 50 bands (May 3-6) Mountain Sports Festival om Asheville (May 25-27) Christmas in July in West Jefferson (July 7) China Grove's Farmer's Day in Coats (July 21) N.C. Peach Festival in Candor(July 20-21) Winterville Watermelon Festival (August 23-26) Matthews Alive Labor Day Festival (August 31-September 3) Historic Morganton Festival (September 6-7) International Folk Festival in Fayetteville (September 28-30) A fixture on local public radio who shared his love of jazz with generations was killed Sunday night driving home to Greenville after his weekly broadcast. Local public radio host Tom "The Jazzman" Mallison was killed in a vehicle accident on N.C. 43 near Vanceboro on September 6, 2015. Mallison, 75, was returning to Greenville from his weekly 5-hour Sunday show "An Evening with Tom The Jazzman" when the accident occurred. Mallison was driving a Volvo that was struck by a pickup driven by Donald Kennedy, who authorities say crossed the center line. He was charged with a DWI and vehicular homicide. Bombadil is a band that formed in Durham and have stayed together despite an injury to bassist/pianist Daniel Michalak. In 2013 they released a new album called Metrics of Affection. To celebrate the release they performed an acoustic set at Horizon Records then an electric set at The Radio Room on August 16. Other members of the folk band include Stuart Robinson, Bryan Rahija and James Philips. The band was written about in this Val Haller article 6/13/2013 in the New York Times. The 6th annual Bluegrass, Old-Time and Country Music Festival was held August 16 and 17, 2013 at the same time as the Peanut Festival at Fountain General Store. The free show consisted of eight acts includeing Carolina Grass. Other performers included Shelby and Linda Stephenson, who sang the national anthem, Tim Renfrow and Feelin' Country. The festival was written about in this article 8/15/2013 on CarolinaCoastOnline.com. Myself and I is the spinoff band of punk group The Fear of Falling from New Bern, who performed on the Warped Tour in 2010. The band moved to Greenville and changed their name and their sound. Members of the band include Jesse Parks, Mike Minally, Phillip Wilson, Zach Rowe ad Tripp Rowe. Their debut EP called Revisions was released in the Spring of 2013. They performed July 12 at Tipsy Teapot. They were written about in this article in the East Carolinian.